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Scientific Publications

Brandts WAM, In: Ahead of the Curve: Hidden Breakthroughs in the Biosciences. (Institute of Physics, Bristol, UK, 2016)


Brandts WAM, Tetrahymena and ants - Simple models of complex systems. In: Formal Descriptions of Developing Systems,  Nation J, Trofimova I, Rand JD and Sulis W, eds. NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Vol. 121 (2003)


Brandts WAM, Longtin A, Trainor LEH, Two-category model of task allocation with application to ant societies. Bull. Math. Biol. 63, 1125-1161 (2001)


Brandts WAM, Complexity: A pluralistic Approach. In: Physical Theory in Biology. Foundations and Explorations. Lumsden CJ, Brandts WAM, Trainor LEH, editors. Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science, Vol.4 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997)


Brandts WAM, Totafurno J, Vector field models of morphogenesis.  In: Physical Theory in Biology. Foundations and Explorations. Lumsden CJ, Brandts WAM, Trainor LEH, editors. Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science, Vol.4 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997)

Lumsden CJ, Brandts WAM, Trainor LEH, editors: Physical Theory in Biology. Foundations and Explorations. Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Science, Vol.4 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997)


Brandts, W., Relevance of Field Models to Global Patterningin Ciliates. In Proceedings of Les Houches Workshop on the Interplay of Genetic and Physical Processes in the Development of Biological Form, Springer-Editions de Physique (1995).


Brandts WAM, A field model of symmetry reversals in the pattern regulation of a cell. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Experimental and theoretical advances in biological pattern formation, Othmer HG, Maini PK and Murray JD, eds. NATO Advanced Science Institutes Series A Life Sciences Vol. 259  (Plenum Press, 1993)

Brandts WAM, A field model of left-right asymmetries in the pattern regulation of a cell. IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 10, 31-50 (1993)


Brandts WAM, Trainor LEH, A nonlinear field model of pattern formation - intercalation in morpholactic regulation. J. Theor. Biol. 146, 37-56 (1990)


Brandts WAM, Trainor LEH, A nonlinear field model of pattern formation - application to intracellular pattern reversal in tetrahymena. J. Theor. Biol. 146, 57-87 (1990)


Brandts, W. and L. Trainor, Can Complexity Be Quantified? Physics in Canada 43, 3 (1987)


Brandts, W., J. Totafurno, and L. Trainor, An Ising Model of Hierarchical Organisation in Biological Systems, Physics in Canada 41, 3. (1985)

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